Hi! I guess i've joined the rest of the world and started a blog. I know. I'm sorry. Anyway, I'll start off by saying (or should I say typing) hahaha. That wasn't funny. Why did I put that. Sooooo, the reason why I started this blog was mainly because I am really bad at conveying my feelings, and just communicating in general.
I've had a lot going on in my life these past 2 years- I know, it doesn't sound like long, but trust me, it is. I guess you could say that I have been bullied, and lived in 4 countries in 2 years. And 4 different schools. That says it all really doesn't it?- I hope it does because I didn't make a list of everything.
I'm not asking you to feel sorry for me, I just want to help you if you've had (or have) the same situation, because sometimes I feel like no one understands me, ya know (i've got to stop saying that) like you can't speak to anyone who actually, truly understands you. Do you understand? ... Did you see what I did there???? haha I'm funny. No, I'm not. I'm really not. Anywaayyy (I've said that too much) back to seriousness. Is that even a word?... I'm sure that many of you have it worse than me, so I'm not complaining. I just want to say everyone is welcome.
I will be posting many blogs on here about how to cope with
things such as anxiety, and how to deal with annoying things in life. That sounds a bit lame doesn't it? oh well. Do not worry though-you probably weren't but anyway- I will of course post positive things, like how amazing cats are. Wow. Did I seriously just say that? Anyway, thank you soooo much for reading this and I hope you enjoyed it! If you have any requests please leave a comment down below, if not just subscribe so you get a notification when my next blog post comes out!!!
Thank you.
-One Girl One Blog xx